The Blockchain Economy London Summit 2023

7 Min Read

We were in attendance at the sixth edition of the Blockchain Economy London Summit held on the 27th and 28th of February. This summit united the crucial players and experts in the field of cryptocurrency. The two-day conference further instilled faith in the future of cryptocurrencies and blockchains. 

The Blockchain Economy London Summit was the UK’s largest blockchain event and brought together the world’s top crypto companies and blockchain entrepreneurs. This summit explored the potential of web3, NFTs, cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and Metaverse and the implications that it would have on the world.

Agenda at the Blockchain Economy London Summit

This year’s blockchain summit had investor protection as its focus. Volatility in markets is a natural phenomenon. Cryptocurrencies have seen incredible volatility in their short life span. The last year has been a whirlwind for the cryptocurrency world with many uncertainties, including the collapse of the second-largest cryptocurrency exchange and a global recession at heed. These incidents have put investors in a bearish position and slowed down the economic growth of the world.

As a result of this, investor protection was at the forefront. The Blockchain London Summit has started conversations surrounding the value of blockchain and its undeniable potential across several industries. Furthermore, there were many discussions and debates on where cryptocurrencies derive their value. There were in-detailed conversations and presentations on how blockchains get their value from the ability to create more value for individuals and businesses globally. Many speakers noted that there has to be a long-term goal besides earning money, which is where they see the future of web3.

We witnessed many technology demonstrations to understand the underlying mechanism of the web3 platform. Over 40 speakers attended the Blockchain London Summit and some of the notable speakers were Lennix Lai, managing director of the financial market at OKX; Lex Sokolin, Head Economist at Consensys; Pieter Vanhove, Program Manager Security & Governance Azure Database Platform at Microsoft; Daniel Antcliff, Head of Operations at; Fred Zhou, Lead Solution Architect at Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Europe, Konstantinos Adamos – Senior Legal Counsel at Revolut, and Dr. Lisa Cameron – the Member of UK Parliament, Chair of the Crypto and Digital Asset APPG. Read the entire list of speakers here.

The UK is set to become the crypto financial capital of the world.

The UK is the biggest exporter of financial services, and London is the world’s financial capital. After Dubai and Singapore, the UK government aims to become the global hub of all crypto-related activities and technologies with this blockchain summit. This event was attended by more than 3000 people from over 65 countries, sponsored by 70+ sponsors, and more than 120 journalists covered the event.

Attendees at the Blockchain Economy Summit London
Attendees on day 2 of the summit

To attract web3 startups and companies, the UK government has proposed new stablecoin regulations, a Royal Mint NFT, and many other measures to promote digital assets. With this summit, the government has demonstrated that it is ready to welcome crypto businesses and enthusiasts.

Discussion Topics at London Summit

The Blockchain Economy London Summit 2023
Developer Meeting Area

The main topics of discussion at this summit shed light on the concerns regarding the bear market and the future of digital assets. Blockchain technologies will play a significant role in the future, and the discussion topics only highlighted their importance.

  • Investing in cryptocurrencies: There were many discussions on investment in cryptocurrency and how to educate the masses about safe investment habits further.
  • Trading techniques in the bear market: The recent bear market has shied away new investors. This summit focused on trading techniques to be used in the bear market.
  • DeFi: This included highlights and the importance of decentralized finance models.
  • Crypto exchanges and regulations: The main focus of this summit was on investor protection. Staying on that agenda, there were many discussions on protecting user funds. 
  • Regulation of virtual assets worldwide and in the UK: We saw discussions on the need to regulate virtual assets worldwide. The UK was at the frontier with this as it aims to welcome cryptocurrencies in the near future.
  • Blockchain gaming: The next big thing in gaming is blockchain gaming. This summit saw many demonstrations of how gaming will become the next multi-billion industry.
  • Web3: This included insightful discussions on adopting web3 technology and how different and improved it is from web2.
  • Tokenization: Educated the masses about tokenization and why it will play a key role in replacing sensitive data with unique identification symbols.
  • Importance of NFTs: Included panel discussions on the significance of NFTs. This was an essential discussion With the UK releasing its Royal Mint NFT.
  • A new reality with Metaverse and AI: Apart from discussions on the latest Metaverse and AI technologies, we saw many discussions on the new reality where we will play, learn, work, and live.


The London summit has brought together web3 entrepreneurs and enthusiasts. The enthusiasm of attendees was at an all-time high, as more than 700 Instagram stories mentioned the hashtag #BESUMMIT at the time of writing this article. Completely blown away by this fantastic event.