How Homomorphic Encryption Is Shaping the Future of Privacy (And Why You Should Care)

By Renuka Tahelyani
8 Min Read

When it comes to online privacy, blockchain has been a bit of a double-edged sword. Sure, it’s transparent—but that transparency can sometimes expose things you’d prefer to keep private. Here’s where homomorphic encryption (HE) sweeps in like the hero we didn’t know we needed. And, if you’ve never heard of it, don’t worry.

By the end of this, you’ll not only understand it, but you might even feel a little safer about your digital privacy.

What Exactly Is Homomorphic Encryption?

Let’s put this in simple terms: Homomorphic encryption lets you compute on data without ever decrypting it. You might be wondering, “Wait—how does that work? Isn’t encryption all about locking data up?” You’d be right! But this clever method allows people (or machines) to interact with encrypted information without ever unlocking the door.

But let’s get into the fun stuff—how does it actually work?

How It Works: The Magic Behind The Curtain

When you send information on a blockchain, for example, you typically encrypt it. In regular encryption, if someone wants to process your data, they would need to decrypt it first. But in homomorphic encryption, third parties can run computations on the encrypted version without ever having access to the plain data.

To break it down: say you have some encrypted numbers that you want someone to add for you. You hand them the encrypted values (ciphertext), they perform the calculation, and return the result—all without ever knowing what those original numbers were. Once you get the result back, you can decrypt it with your private key, revealing the outcome.

This is game-changing for privacy, especially in decentralized systems where trust can be an issue. And speaking of trust, let’s move to the different kinds of homomorphic encryptions and what they bring to the table.

Read this article by DroomDroom that discusses the importance of metadata privacy in blockchain and how it protects sensitive transaction details and enhances privacy using technologies like zero-knowledge proof.

Types of Homomorphic Encryption: What’s The Difference?

Not all homomorphic encryption is created equal. Depending on how complex the operations are, there are a few different types you should know about:

Partially Homomorphic Encryption (PHE)

This is like the training wheels of HE. It allows you to perform just one type of operation—like either addition or multiplication—indefinitely, but not both. It’s simple, but limited. You can think of it as useful for niche cases where you only need repetitive computations of one kind.

Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption (SHE)

Now we’re leveling up. SHE lets you perform both addition and multiplication, but only a few times before it becomes too complex. It’s like trying to solve a puzzle, but you can only make so many moves before you run out of turns.

Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE)

Here’s the big one—fully homomorphic encryption. This version has no limits on the number of operations. You can add, multiply, and perform any computations you need on encrypted data. It’s incredibly powerful, but there’s a catch. It’s slow. 

Imagine running your usual software, but instead of completing tasks in a few seconds, it takes hours, even days. While this might seem like a deal-breaker, ongoing research is pushing the boundaries to make FHE faster and more practical.

Why Does Homomorphic Encryption Matter?

Alright, so now that we have the basics down, let’s talk about why this matters. Why should anyone care about homomorphic encryption when the usual encryption methods seem to be doing the job?

Privacy on Blockchain

Let’s face it—in the world of crypto, your data is out there. Blockchain’s transparency means that while your identity might not be revealed, details like transaction amounts and addresses are visible. Homomorphic encryption changes the game by allowing miners to process transactions without ever seeing the contents of those transactions. Your data stays private, but the system keeps running smoothly.

Real-World Examples: Healthcare, Finance, and More

Imagine a doctor needing to analyze patient data without ever accessing the raw medical records. Homomorphic encryption makes that possible. Doctors could study patterns in health data, even across institutions, without exposing private details. The same goes for financial services. Banks could perform risk assessments on your encrypted credit score without needing to see your exact financial history.

And that’s not all. Homomorphic encryption could be a savior for cloud computing too. Today, many businesses hesitate to fully trust cloud providers with sensitive data. With HE, a company can outsource computations to the cloud while ensuring their data remains fully encrypted and secure.

DroomDroom’s article explores privacy and security challenges in SocialFi platforms showing how applications like SuperDapp use advanced technologies to ensure user data protection.

The Future of Homomorphic Encryption: Will It Become Practical?

As promising as this all sounds, we’re not quite there yet. FHE, the full version of this encryption, still has some hurdles to clear. It’s just too slow right now. Research teams from IBM, Microsoft, and universities around the world are working to speed things up. Progress is being made, but it’s still going to take some time before we see HE being used at scale.

That said, there are signs of optimism. Open-source libraries and tools are becoming available, giving developers the chance to experiment and optimize. Some sectors, like healthcare and finance, are already exploring how to incorporate it into their systems. The real question is, can the tech catch up to the demand?

Conclusion: Why You Should Keep an Eye on Homomorphic Encryption

If you care about privacy, you’ll want to follow homomorphic encryption’s development closely. It’s an exciting technology that could reshape how we handle sensitive data, from cryptocurrency transactions to secure cloud computing. It’s not perfect yet, but it holds the key to solving one of the trickiest problems in modern cryptography: keeping data both private and usable.

As more people and businesses realize its potential, and as researchers fine-tune the technology, we may soon live in a world where your data stays encrypted, even while it’s being used. And that’s a future worth waiting for.

Curiosity didn't just kill the cat; it dramatically shifted the course of my career! From chartered accountancy to blockchain, my professional journey has been anything but ordinary. I take tough, knotty blockchain topics and turn them into easy reads. My work has not only been recognized in a book published by Stanford University Press, but I've also contributed to legal research papers featured in the Cambridge Handbook and the Maryland State Bar Association's blog.