DAO News

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If you are a busy bee with little time to spare to catch up on the news. You have landed in the right place. We have curated the latest highlights in DAO News.

1. ConsenSys has committed $2.4 million per year to establish MetaMask Grants DAO. The employee-led DAO will be in charge of awarding funds to third-party developers working within the MetaMask ecosystem.

2. DAOs are paving the path for any corporation to practice community governance. As a result, we’re seeing more creative use cases for DAOs, such as GameFi comic books establishing the groundwork for collectible card game development.

3. SushiSwap will establish three DAOs in Panama and Cayman to help with business reorganization. The plan, which established the DAO Foundation, Panamanian Foundation, and Panamanian Corporation, won 100% support.