What is Constellation? Constellation is a decentralized network that enables anyone to build the future of Web3 with fast and feeless transactions. Secure, infinitely scalable, and cross-chain interoperable. Engineered for developers, designed for the universe.

80K+ Transactions per 7 second 1.3B Staked in DAG 25.4K DAG wallet holder 300+ Validator node

Secure The decentralized DAG architecture offers cryptographic security at scale for all data traversing the network.

Decentralized 300+ globally distributed foundational nodes with a Proof of Reputable Observation consensus mechanism ensure decentralized performance and consensus.

Infinitely Scalable The DAG architecture — designed for high throughput data pipelines — performs concurrent consensus.

Truly interoperable The Layer 0 data transfer layer supports endless types of metagraphs operating on the Layer 1 above allowing for complete interoperability across channels.