What is ZigZag? ZigZag is a decentralised P2P order book exchange that uses ZK-Rollups for optimal security and scalability.

Why trade on ZigZag? The order book DEX is designed to mimic the user experience of a centralised exchange, which will be familiar and easy to use for traders who are used to that type of platform.

Order book With zigzag's P2P system, users can trade against each other using a familiar order book model that replicates the user experience of centralised exchanges.

ZK-Rollup ZigZag takes advantage of ZK-Rollup technology. By utilising this technology, users benefit from near-zero swap fees and nearly instantaneous transactions.

Competitive pricing ZigZag provides excellent quotes to all users by using the order book model. Users can take advantage of real-time price feeds from major CEXs and on-chain oracle feeds like Chainlink and Uniswap which market makers utilise to place resting orders onto the protocol's order books.

Decentralised protocol ZigZag is committed to creating a fully community-owned decentralised exchange and has made great strides toward this goal. All code is public on GitHub and smart contracts are regularly audited by independent experts.