What is Verasity? Verasity is an open ledger ecosystem bringing trust and transparency to digital advertising and payments.

VeraWallet VeraWallet is an insured, simple and secure wallet to earn, buy, store and stake VRA. Industry-leading security and cold storage keeps your funds safe.

VeraView VeraViews is an open ledger advertising ecosystem built around Verasity's patented 'Proof of View' (PoV) fraud identification technology.

Stats 300,000+ Verawallet user 500,000+ Community member 20+ Local language communities  6 Awarded Patent

VeraViews is an open ledger advertising ecosystem built around Verasity's patented 'Proof of View' (PoV) fraud identification technology. 

Equiped with transparent invalid traffic (IVT) tracking for publishers, and auditable campaign statistics for brands, VeraViews is the most powerful and auditable solution for preventing ad fraud.