What is Toobit? Toobit is a global platform leading the new generation of cryptocurrency financial service.

The Toobit team is composed of professionals from leading Internet companies and blockchain corps including product technical leaders, R&D engineers, exchange operators, traders and other experienced professionals. We are dedicated to providing a bank-level digital currency trading experience.

Toobit supports futures contract trading, spot trading, OTC and other modes. From the very beginning of the platform design, we have focused on ensuring the fairness and transparency of transactions, while providing sufficient market depth and liquidity. 

Toobit also put efforts to innovation and development of blockchain technology, and is committed to creating fair, transparent and efficient transaction ecology, and providing global users with safe, professional and stable digital currency comprehensive service.

Mission and Vision User Economy Work to create a new generation of trading systems based primarily on the user economy. Digital Assets TradingSupport digital assets, NFT, contracts, options, index funds, bills, and digital asset trading platforms that focus on user reputation.

Real Thinking Link real traders, listening, thinking, creating, transparent, efficient trading ecology that provides a better trading experience for global traders. Security  complianceObtain comprehensive financial transactions, financial credit plates, and create compliance digital trading platforms.