What is Tapbit? Tapbit totally guards users' assets safety. In this regard, They have a USD 40 Million insurance fund to cover losses caused by Tapbit. Tapbit fully meets all compliance policies and has a policy of continuous improvement.

Our product Spot Simply, use Deposit and Withdrawal service The step-by-step use of, ultra-low transaction fee rate.

Nft Tapbit NFT Marketplace brings together artists, creators, brands, and crypto enthusiasts within the same platform, to jointly create and trade NFTs. The platform has 3 key product line

Fiat Buy Crypto Other legal currency payment support, includes, but not limited to the following: Mastercard, VISA, Diners Club and JCB.

Tapbit Labs Developing infrastructure & tech solutions to improve the decentralized web.

· Web3 · Nft · Metaverse · Gamefi · Other tokenized ecosystems.