Stellar is an open network for storing and moving money. Stellar makes it possible to create, send, and trade digital representations of all forms of money: dollars, pesos, bitcoin, pretty much anything. 

Stellar makes money better. Stellar's API and SDKs are ready to help you transform the world of finance, and the network’s currency connections could give even a small company the power and reach of an international bank.

Smart Contract Build the future of Web3 and DeFi on our Soroban smart contract platform.

Global Payment App Integrate the financial services and digital assets issued by anchors on Stellar to reach new customers around the world.

Asset exchange Provide users around the world access to on/off ramps for digital assets on Stellar.

Micropayment service Power cross-border payments of any size with Stellar's low, flat fees and fast transactions.

Designed for developer Stellar has the documentation, tooling, and support to help you get your project up quickly.