What is Slingshot? Slingshot is built on Web3. Instead of signing up for an account and giving away sensitive personal information, you can simply connect your wallet to the Slingshot app and start swapping right away.

Slingshot users simply connect their wallet to start swapping 50k+ tokens, and access with real time data and charts for each token and a global chat feature, where they can connect with users all over the world.

Swap Any Token At The Best Price Slingshot works like a search engine. If a token exists with on-chain liquidity or on a Slingshot-supported network, we'll index it so that you can swap it. 

Real-Time Price Charts & Transaction Activity Slingshot runs blockchain nodes for each network we support. The on-chain transaction data from these nodes allows us to show you live transaction data without relying on 3rd-party providers. 

Founded In? Founded in 2020, Slingshot is a DeFi application that can be used to search for, send, receive and swap over 50k cryptocurrencies at the best prices, with 0% swap fees. 

Slingshot is continuously releasing enhanced product features and reward-driven participation opportunities for their growing community.