What is Shardeum? Shardeum is an EVM-based, linearly scalable smart contract platform that provides low gas fees forever while maintaining true decentralization and solid security through dynamic state sharding. Join Betanet SphinxClaim Testnest SHM

1. Minimum of 1280 validator. 2. 750,000+ Community member. 3. 100,000+ Estimated transactions per second (TPS) 4. $0.01 Estimated transaction cost

TPS Shardeum is the first linearly scalable L1 blockchain network that increases transactions per second (TPS) by adding more nodes.

Shardeum Features 1.  EVM based layer 1 network 2. Dynamic state sharding 3. Linear scalability & low gas forever 4. Anyone can operate a node 5. Autoscaling & high fairness 6. Solid security

EVM based layer 1 network Since you just need to deploy a smart contract written in developer-friendly languages like Solidity & Vyper on Shardeum, it is tailor-made for both new & existing developers to build dapps within minutes.

Dynamic state sharding Nodes on Shardeum are assigned dynamic address ranges across multiple shards. Since the consensus takes place at the transaction level, the network will retain parallel and atomic processing of transactions resulting in linear scalability.

Linear scalability & low gas forever Through dynamic state sharding, Shardeum will scale linearly. Every node that joins the Shardeum network immediately increases the transactions per second (TPS) capacity, thus ensuring low transaction fees even as the usage grows.

Anyone can operate a node Since historical data on Shardeum will be offloaded to archive nodes on top of its linear scalability, hardware requirements to run a node on the network will be low. With the help of GUI, even non-technical users can run a node easily.

Autoscaling & high fairness Shardeum will autoscale dynamically based on demand in the network keeping its operational cost low to retain low gas fees. The network will further process transactions on FCFS basis to ensure high fairness eliminating MEV.

Solid security A leaderless Proof-of-Quorum (PoQ) consensus algorithm, Proof-of-Stake (PoS) with slashing, standby nodes, node rotation and permissionless participation - all contributes to boost the security of the network.

Team Shardeum Nischal Shetty Founder of WazirX, Crowdfire and a steward of the cryptocurrency industry in India. Nischal aims to bring decentralization to billions of people around the world.

Omar Syed A distributed systems architect with 30 years of experience at NASA, Yahoo, Raytheon and Zynga. Omar envisions a world where scalable blockchain technology is used to eliminate global poverty and hunger.

Community Shardians are the key pillar to Shardeum's success. Shardeum is being built from the ground up with the community's involvement aligned with the project's open, collaborative and community-driven (OCC) principle.