What is Spiritswap?The SpiritSwap protocol captures the essence of everything Defi 2.0 on the Fantom network, delivering a complete hub for trading, lending and borrowing, reward sharing, staking delegations, and farming.
FeaturesSwap TokensSwap HBAR and HTS tokens in seconds with no counterparty risk.Provide LiquidityProvide equal value parts of any two tokens, receive LP tokens, and earn interest from swap fees.
Stake in Crop CircleStake your LP tokens in Crop Circles and receive SAUCE and HBAR emissions.Stake SauceStake your SAUCE to earn rewards from swap fees, HBAR native staking, and emissions –– all with no risk of IL.
Bridge AssetsSeamlessly bridge assets to and from Hedera.
Supported byTHE HBAR FOUNDATIONSaucerSwap is proudly partnered with the HBAR Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping builders and creators bring their ideas to market.
Audited by HACKENSaucerSwap's core, farm, vesting, and staking contracts have been audited by Hacken, a leading blockchain security company with an essential focus on auditing, crowdsourced security, pen-testing, monitoring, and analytics.