What Is MM Finance? MM Finance is a top tier AMM & DEX on Cronos & Polygon with one of the lowest trading fees at 0.17% only.

As a Trader You will find potential projects on MM Finance early and accompany them to grow up to massive predator through trading, farming, etc.

As a Project You will find the best support on MM Finance, including launchpad fundraise, marketing support and our network that stretches across all chains. 

Lower fee MM Finance runs on Cronos & Polygon, blockchains with much lower transaction costs than Ethereum or Bitcoin. Its close to 10x cheaper!

Decentralized MM Finance doesn't hold your funds when you trade: you have 100% ownership of your tokens, and you can trade directly from your wallet without anyone holding your funds! Power of DEX!

Token Swaps MM Finance lets users trade without the need to go through a Centralized Exchange. Everything you do on MM Finance is routed directly through your own wallet—no need to trust someone else with your coins!