What Is Mina Protocol? Mina is the world’s lightest blockchain, powered by participants. Using zero knowledge proofs, Mina is creating the infrastructure for the secure, democratic future we all deserve.

Mina Protocol Roadpam The roadmap is a vision and starting point for unlocking the era of ZK programmability with the Mina ecosystem.

Own Your Data Users today are compelled to hand over their data to centralized entities in order to participate in the modern world. But Mina’s zkApps, smart contracts powered by zero knowledge, keep users in control of their privacy by validating and sharing proofs of their data, rather than the data itself. 

Access Mina from Other Chain Given Mina’s lightweight design and the off-chain nature of Mina’s zkapp smart contract computations, it’s easy to use the Mina proof system from other chains. 

Connecting Crypto to the Real World Other blockchain protocols don’t interact with the internet, limiting their applications’ scope and utility. But Mina’s zkApps can privately interact with any website and access verified real world data for use on-chain.

Every Participant is a Full Node Traditional chains are becoming so heavy that users need to rely on intermediaries to run nodes, going against the original decentralization promise of blockchain and leaving the network more susceptible to a 51% attack.

A Global Community Other blockchains are run by powerful ecosystem intermediaries, but Mina is powered by participants. Our inclusive community unites people around the world with a passion for decentralized blockchain.