What is Lisk? Lisk  is an open-source web3 application platform that is designed for interoperability with sidechains. It’s Javascript SDK gives developers a straightforward path into launching their own Lisk compatible blockchains.

Lisk's Products and Services Lisk is made up of several products, including Lisk Core, Lisk Service, and the two wallets Lisk Desktop and Lisk Mobile.

Lisk Core Enables delegate forging, provides blockchain synchronization, and includes the complete API for developers. Lisk Core is for advanced technical users looking to build on top of Lisk, securing the network infrastructure or attain delegate forging access.

Lisk Service The main focus of Lisk Service is to provide data to the UI clients such as Lisk Desktop and Lisk Mobile. Lisk Service makes it possible to access all blockchain live data in a similar way to the regular Lisk SDK API.

Lisk Desktop Aside from sending all of the various types of network transactions, Lisk Desktop also has the ability to monitor network events. These include delegate forging statistics, top account holders, most recent transactions, and much more.

Lisk Mobile Available for both iOS and Android. While it may not be as feature rich as its Lisk Desktop counterpart, it is a convenient addition for enhanced usability and convenience, as you can access your account anywhere you can take your mobile device.

The Role of the LSK Token The native utility token for the Lisk network is LSK. It's used to perform a number of actions on the Lisk blockchain, including balance transfers, voting, registering multi-signature wallets and more.