What is Hifi Finance? The Hifi Lending Protocol allows anyone to borrow against their crypto. Hifi uses a bond-like instrument, representing an on-chain obligation that settles on a specific future date.

Borrow Against Crypto Today The Lending Protocol allows anyone to borrow against their crypto. Buying and selling the tokenized debt enables fixed-rate lending and borrowing — something much needed in decentralized finance today.

Borrow Against NFT Through our ecosystem project Pooled NFT and our flagship NFT collection, we are working to bring collateral support for NFT projects.

The Final Frontier, Real World Asset "The tokenization of real-world assets (RWAs) provides immense opportunities for existing financial institutions and the early-stage DeFi ecosystem."

Governance The Hifi Governance and ERC-20 token implementation both derive from the foundation established by Compound's GovernorBravo Smart Contracts. 

Hifi Finance's ERC-20 token implementation originates from Uniswap's fork of Compound Governance, while the Governance smart contracts are adopted from Ampleforth's fork of Compound Governance.