What is Hermes? Hermes main goal is to let users and other decentralized protocols exchange both volatile assets (DAI to WETH for example) and stablecoins (DAI to USDC for example) through it with low fees and low slippage

What is the HERMES token? HERMES token is a governance and utility token for Hermes that has recently released. All those who have participated in the Hermes pools will retroactively receive HERMES tokens.

Has Hermes Protocol smart contracts been audited? Hermes Contracts are not audited, but Hermes is a Solidly fork and Solidly has been audited. However to address Solidly's shortcomings, we have made some changes to the contract, votes are locked for 1 week and whitelisting tokens is done via a DAO.

What differentiates Hermes AMM – Lazy LP management – Fungible LP position – Chained swaps to route between pair – priceCumulativeLast that can be used as external TWAP – Flashloan proof TWAP – Direct LP rewards via skim – xy>=k

Hermes Protocol has forever changed the Metis ecosystem – Natively supports swaps between closely correlated assets via a new curve (stable swaps) – Natively supports swaps between uncorrelated asset – 0.01% fee – Fees are paid out in base assets, not converted

– Uniswap v2 compatible interfaces (allows support for all existing analytics tools and interfaces) – Permissionless support for Gauges & Bribe – Emission incentivizes fees instead of liquidity – Native support for adding third party tokens and incentive

– veHermes lockers accumulate all fees for pools they vote emission on – veHermes lockers increase holdings proportional to emission, no dilution – veHermes lockers vote on emissions with circulating supply decay

– veHermes natively supports delegation – veHermes locks are represented as non-fungible tokens to allow capital efficiency of locks, allowing locking periods from 1 week to 4 year