What is Gemini Dollar? Gemini dollar (GUSD) is a U.S. dollar-backed stablecoin —a digital representation of cash that can be used to interact with the crypto economy. GUSD combines the creditworthiness and price stability of the U.S. dollar with the speed and efficiency of cryptocurrency.

GUSD Use Case 1. Spend 2. Save 3. Trade 4. Pay

Spend Buy digital art with digital dollars. NFTs from your favorite artists on Nifty Gateway or OpenSea can be bought and sold with GUSD.

Save Is crypto price volatility making you retreat to fiat? Build a stable reserve without moving your assets off-chain. It’s more cost effective and efficient than traditional finance.

Trade Generate financial returns based in a more familiar currency by trading, investing, lending, or staking GUSD. GUSD can be transferred and traded in seconds and is settled on the Ethereum blockchain.

Pay With 24x7x365 availability and blockchain efficiency you can pay your employees, partners, vendors, or friends for a fraction of the cost of using the traditional banking system. Anytime, anywhere, instantly.