What is Equalizer? Equalizer was derived from the initial concept of Andre Cronje. The mechanism that was used to create a perpetual decentralized exchange was unique and ingenious. The launch of this platform is to take the concept and apply it to a more natural style DEX. 

Why Equalizer? The perpetual model is the first of its kind that can sustain an emission token price. The problem that is tackled here, is to create an equalized effect across the rewards for token holders and the incentive for LP providers.

$EQUAL The tokens basic liquid form is the $EQUAL token. This token will be used as a liquid transferable token used for emissions and have the ability to be locked into a veNFT.

veEQUAL $EQUAL can be locked in the form of veEQUAL into an NFT which adopts the vote escrow model for obtaining fees and directing emissions. Various lock periods can be selected and is a transferable asset.

GOALS – Security – Fair Distribution – Community – Sustainable Structure – TVL – Low Slippage Trade – Fair Fee Structure – Token Holder Income

Liquidity Pool Equalizer is an AMM which uses the traditional liquidity pool system to create tradable pairs. The system we have deployed is, in our opinion, an improvement on the uniswap system that uses fees to incentivize these pools.