What Is Bitthumb? Bithumb Korea has emerged as the world’s No.1 exchange with high trading volume and has grown into the No.1 virtual asset exchange in the world since launching its services in 2014.

Bithumb has experienced the world’s best competitive edge and know-how regarding the establishment and operation of virtual asset trading and blockchain technology and plans on leading the future of digital financing platforms by bringing the world together.

Why Bithumb? High Trading Volume Huge amount Trading VolumeDifficult for specific forces to manipulate the market, safe transactions can be made.

Protection System for Customer Asset They provide the best protection system in the industry for our customers. Abundance of Liquidity You can buy and sell digital asset at the price you want.

Strong Financial StructureWe are the No.1 Trustworthy Exchange that you can trust and use. 24/7 Customer Service they always try to solve customer’s complaints.

24/7 Security Monitoring Bithumb always protects their customer's digital assets very safely.