What Is Azbit? Established in 2013, Azbit has consistently ranked among the top 10 exchanges. It is a full-service digital asset exchange platform covering millions of users around the world.

Platform Statistics $103,337,219 - today's total volume 529,770 - total registered users 571 - total assets listed 1997 days since platform launch

Mission Azbit is on a mission to provide a secure, reliable, and accessible marketplace for individuals and organizations to buy, sell, and trade cryptocurrencies

Values Cooperation Always think with a win-win mindset, share information openly and proactively, sincerely help all users and partners, and create a healthy industry ecosystem

Insight Identify and meet user needs, create long-term value, and keep track of industry shift

Purpose Stay humble, honest and curious, understand new user needs and continue to meet them

Innovation Rethink concepts to find specific solutions to significant problems and challenge stereotypes to keep our products and services agile

Integrity Distinguish right from wrong, hold fast to the bottom line, and keep our word and promise