What is Axie Infinity Axie Infinity is a virtual world filled with cute, formidable creatures known as Axies. Axies can be battled, bred, collected, and even used to earn resources & collectibles that can be traded on an open marketplace.

Axie Universe The Axie universe is always expanding through new games and experiences. Many of these experiences will allow players to compete with each other using complex strategies and tactics to attain top rankings or be rewarded with coveted resources. 

Community & Economy A key difference between Axie and a traditional game is that Blockchain economic design unlocks the ability to have complex player-owned economies and reward players who are able to reach advanced levels of skill.

– Competing in Battles to win leaderboard prizes as well as Smooth Love Potions – Breeding Axies to produce new ones with particular Body Part combinations  – Collecting and speculating on rare Axies such as Mystics and Origin – Creating art and content – On-boarding newcomers to the Axie universe

Mission Axie is on create an ecosystem of amazing Axie gaming experiences with community and player-owned economies as foundational pillars. By doing this we will deliver property rights to all users of the internet, starting with gamers.

Axie Infinity Shards - $AXS Axie Infinity Shards(AXS) are an ERC-20 governance token for the Axie Universe. AXS holders will be able to claim rewards if they stake their tokens, play the game, and participate in key governance votes.