The Future of Supply Chain is Decentralized They empower brands, manufacturers, and suppliers with blockchain-powered solutions that revolutionize their business processes.

Autify Autify is a blend of the words "authentication" and "verify."  Autify is  the universal symbol of truth for consumers and brands. They are developing a trust protocol for the global supply chain.

Is Autify is Crypto company? No, Autify solving commerce and supply chain problems using Blockchain technology. We are a SaaS company. 

What is supply chain traceability Traceability, in supply chain traceability, is the ability to identify, track and trace elements of a product or substance as it moves along the supply chain from raw goods to finished products.

What technology does Autify uses? They are using blockchain technology. Blockchain technology promotes transparency and trust with participants being able to have relatively unfettered access to their records, cutting time and effort made on endless to-ing and fro-ing.

Can Autify be uses to make cross-border payments? No, but they will incorporate this in the upcoming development stage. Our list of priorities includes this feature.