What is Aura Finance? Aura Finance is a protocol built on top of the Balancer system to provide maximum incentives to Balancer liquidity providers and BAL stakers (into veBAL) through social aggregation of BAL deposits and Aura’s native token.

Stats 24,834,538 AURA locked 45.29% veBAL share $348.89m Total Value Locked

Maximise your BPT Provide liquidity on Balancer and deposit your Balancer Pool Tokens (BPTs) into Aura to earn Balancer trading fees, boosted BAL rewards and AURA.

Lock AURA Vote-lock AURA to receive voting power and govern the protocol. With vlAURA, you will be able to direct incentives to Balancer gauges using the system’s veBAL.

Stake BAL & Boost Reward Convert 8020 BAL ETH BPT into auraBAL and receive all existing veBAL rewards (BAL + bb-a-USD), in addition to a share of system revenue in BAL, plus AURA. Staking auraBAL contributes to the success and power of the Aura protocol.

Build Harness the power of Aura to build exciting products. Aura pools support the ERC-4626 standard to optimise composibility.