What is Aave? Aave is a decentralised non-custodial liquidity market protocol where users can participate as suppliers or borrowers. Suppliers provide liquidity to the market to earn a passive income.

Why Aave? Aave Protocol has been audited and secured. The protocol is completely open source, which allows anyone to interact with a user interface client, API or directly with the smart contracts on the Ethereum network.

How do I interact with Aave protocol? To interact with Aave protocol, you simply supply your preferred asset and amount. After supplying, you will earn passive income based on the market borrowing demand. 

AAVE Token AAVE is used as the centre of gravity of Aave Protocol governance. AAVE is used to vote and decide on the outcome of Aave Improvement Proposals (AIPs). 

What is the cost of interacting with Aave protocol? Interacting with the protocol requires transactions and so transaction fees for Ethereum Blockchain usage, which depend on the network status and transaction complexity.

Is there any risk? No platform can be considered entirely risk free. The risks related to the Aave platform are the smart contract risk (risk of a bug within the protocol code) and liquidation risk (risk on the collateral liquidation process).